Initially created for The Times newspaper in 1929, Times New Roman became the new default font for many MS Office Apps, and it is overused since then.
Right? So what should you be taking care of in font selection while designing your next winning presentation? Let’s learn more about professional presentation fonts for winning over your audience: Points To Avoid While Choosing Presentation Fonts: Overuse Of Certain Presentation Fonts In a nutshell, you don’t want your audience to be distracted from the topic just because of the font selection. You can actually produce deep and powerful impressions using presentation fonts. You can make your words look bold and confident or shaky just by the choice of your fonts in presentations. Fonts are like non-verbal expressions of written words. PowerPoint Fonts have the power to enhance or dampen your communication considerably. The fonts create the tone and atmosphere of the presentation.
To keep the audience engaged in your presentation, believe it or not, the Presentation font selection also plays a significant role. The foremost purpose of your presentation is to communicate your thinking to your audience effectively.